Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Advent Calendar: December 8th

oil on canvas
11" x 14"

Every once in a while, I have a dream about the gazebo.  It's a pretty big deal if you grew up in little Bloomfield...the gazebo, that is...not my dream.  Anyway, it goes something like this...

I'm in a hurry to get somewhere but I'm not sure where I'm going.  I hop in my car, drive to the town park, go through security (looks like a line queue for the tilt-a-whirl during the Apple Festival), and board the gazebo.  I sit down at the end of a row of lawn chairs next to Red Oliphant and all of the school bus drivers I remember from my childhood.  Then, the roof of the gazebo unfurls into some sort of multi-faceted geometric balloon and we lift-off through the trees.  As I wave to people below, I lose my balance and fall over the brick railing.  And just before I land somewhere between the south shelter house and the Glover Gymnasium, I wake up.

I also have a recurring dream about pulling out all of my teeth while waiting in line for a roller coaster...but that's another story for another day.

If you'd like to purchase the painting above, please contact Wyatt via his website: CLICK HERE

17 days 'til Christmas...