Monday, April 10, 2017

Rust Never Sleeps

It's one o'clock in the am on a school night.  I had made up my mind I was going to bed four hours ago, but I wanted to sneak in a painting before calling it quits for the day.  I haven't painted for a while, so I quickly got a second wind.  I made five fairly bad paintings, sweat through my shirt, and after running out of paper towel, decided to turn in.  But first...a snack.  It's a bad habit, but I felt like I deserved one of my favorites...a few bites of cottage cheese straight from the tub.  Yep.  My wife thinks I'm weird, but I like to put pepper on my cottage cheese.  So, I reach for the pepper mill, hold it directly above the open container, give a turn, and...I rip the plastic grinder into two pieces.  Have you ever tried to clean up approximately 4 billion peppercorns, scattered throughout the kitchen, without waking up the neighborhood?  I've sneezed as quietly as possible a couple dozen times and have lost my late night appetite.  Probably for the best...goodnight and...oh wait, an episode of Bob's Burgers I haven't seen?  What's another hour...