Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy."

Larry's Hydrant
oil on canvas
9" x 12"

If you are planning on going to the Hoosier Salon Gallery in Carmel, Indiana to see the outrageous show Larry and I put together, you're too late.  It was a good time making the paintings.

Contrary to what would be a safe assumption, the Carmel Arts and Design District is not the epicenter of art in Indiana.  I can understand the confusion...there are galleries, there are cute sculptures on the street, and there are $5000 throw pillows for sale that compliment signed canvas prints of bad paintings by stay-at-home-moms who watch too much HGTV.  I take that back...don't call the PC police.  For all I know, the crappy wall decor could have been made stay-at-home-thirty somethings who dropped out of business school before dropping out of art school before deciding they'd carve their own path out of the absurdity of dumb people with too much money. 

For my next trick, I'll write "My other car is a baked potato" and other ironic phrases on Indiana silhouettes printed on canvas.  Look out John Mellencamp, somebody call ARTnews Magazine.

Now here's something that really matters...
 After enduring a week of constant song-singing, I've decided to train all of the mockingbirds in my backyard to blow raspberries when I walk outside.  It's going well.