Monday, October 10, 2016

Yeah Yeah...

Yeah yeah…I haven’t posted in a long time.  Nobody’s been begging for more blog posts, so I’m not very sorry about slacking off.  Truth is, I’ve been a little overwhelmed with, well, everything.  School started since my last post, which has a way of making time a little harder to come by.  I’m pretty good about keeping my school work at school, but that doesn’t mean I come home every afternoon ready to crank out a dozen paintings.  When I do come home in that mood, it obviously leaves less time for me to blab about myself online, which is a good thing.  A lot of stuff has happened in the past couple months, so I’ll be trying to catch up with my posts on a more regular basis.  The good news for me…if you’re reading this, I assume you like hearing about my latest work and are willing to indulge my thoughts and ramblings on the day-to-day.  The good news for you…this will soon be the only place online where I “post” anything…so, you can say you were the first to truly “follow” me.  To top it off, you’ll be able to do so without viewing my latest work sandwiched between bad political memes and sunglasses advertisements.  The bad news...well, it might be the same as the good news for some of you.  For whatever reason you’re here, thank you.